Sunday, May 31, 2020

Superman Poses and Other Confidence Hacks

Superman Poses and Other Confidence Hacks Superman doesnt doubt his abilities, and neither should you. Whether its starting a new job, going to an interview or delivering a big presentation, confidence (not arrogance) will  be your friend.  Research has shown that its  a huge factor in either  supporting  or hindering career progression. If self-confidence and success go hand in hand, then how can you fake it til you make it, when youre a little down and out? Vegas Extreme Skydiving  has compiled an infographic with 7 ways to help you release your inner Superman: 1. Make eye contact They say your eyes are the windows to your soul. I mean, its  fairly deep if you think about it for too long, however it is also extremely true. When you look someone in the yes,  you have no where to hide. Eye contact is a way of signifying trust and transparency, which is powerful in creating strong relationships with people. It is also a sign of confidence if you are able to maintain eye contact without  nervously scouring the room instead. A sense of self-assuredness comes across with eye contact just remember to smile a little so it doesnt appear super intense. You should also look elsewhere  regularly  so the person you are speaking to doesnt feel you are  staring  them down! Eye contact with your cat first thing in the morning is very important ?? memento marina ?? (@WillThereBCake) June 8, 2016 2. Practice powerful poses Superman doesnt stand like the Hunchback of Notre Dame, just sayin.  Practicing poses of power before you dive into the  nerve-wracking situation will get you feeling  in control, and make you feel the part. Apparently this tricks your brain into thinking youre more confident than you are.  When you actually find yourself confronting real people, make sure  you have an upright posture and your head isnt drooping downwards. 3. Channel memories of confidence Ahh yes, it was a cold Tuesday morning back in January. Your boss threw you a curveball question in a staff meeting and with a bit of quick thinking, you absolutely owned the answer, leaving everyone in the room with jaws touching the floor. Impressive, you were a hero. Mentally reliving times when you felt particularly confident can help you channel those feelings and act in a similar way again. 4. Dress for success People say you are what you eat, well, perhaps its time to scrap that and start thinking you are what you wear. Wearing formal clothing can help you look the part, and ultimately influence your perception of yourself. Dressing smartly will result in you acting more confidently. If youre feeling nervous, wear something comfortable too. Dont choose something that you have to walk in a certain way to keep from falling down, or something you feel might make you stand out for the wrong reasons. Opt for the sure crowd pleasing classic. For any Friends fans out there, this means leaving the armadillo suit at home. Ross in an armadillo suit is probably the funniest thing i have ever seen #holidayarmadillo G ??B B Y (@gbglvz) June 10, 2015 5. Speak  clearly and slowly This Is Really Important. Its very easy to speak at a million miles an hour when you feel nervous. A true sign of confidence is someone who can control their pace, and annunciate their words correctly. Slurring your words not only makes you sound slightly drunk, but is a huge giveaway that inside  youre scrambling and wishing you were anywhere but where you are, trying to get things over with quickly. dont worry if there is evidence of shakiness in your voice, youre only human and everyone gets nervous. Control what you can control;  your clarity and speed. 6. Use Supportive self talk Be your own biggest fan. If a jockey said to you (prior to a huge horse race), Training has been really difficult to be honest, we definitely arent going to win, were not very good if Im honest, what are the chances youd put money on them? A big fat zero, probably. You have to fill your mind with positive self-talk, and tell yourself that you can do whatever it is. Self-doubt is fine, only if it is quickly counteracted with an encouraging and optimistic mindset. Talking yourself into succeeding is possible make a self-fulfilling prophecy for yourself. Im my biggest cheerleader my worst critic. Working on more positive self-talk. Barely J Blige (@BeMyFiasco) June 9, 2016 7. Use your hands Use hand gestures to enhance what youre saying, but if you feel yourself fidgeting, hold your hands together. Too much hand movement can be distracting. However, the right gestures can show you are in control and give an impression of confidence. The saying fake it til you make it exists for a reason. If you feel like a nervous wreck, fear not give these tips a go and thank us later for the positive reception! Image: Shutterstock

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Resume Writing - Reasons For Leaving Your Job

Resume Writing - Reasons For Leaving Your JobA reason for leaving your job should be the most important thing on your resume. Your resume is the document that will define you as a candidate to your new employer. If you have a reason for leaving, then they know that you are a person with self-motivation and determination. This will help you in landing a job in an area where you would like to work.There are four main reasons that people give when they leave their job. A common reason is that the salary has not been increasing. Often this is true if you are still at a place that you feel is below your expectations. The average wage in most places has not increased over the last few years. You can easily find out this information from your HR department.When it comes to reasons for leaving you are going to want to keep this under control. If you give reasons for leaving you can find that the person viewing your resume may be slightly negative about your work. They will want to see how yo ur work has changed over the last year. This is very normal. The job of the HR person is to make sure that everyone is happy at the workplace.If you find that there are more reasons for leaving then your HR manager should address these concerns with you. They will give you some tips on ways to increase your pay and other aspects of your employment. In many cases these changes are based on information that you gave them. This is an important thing to remember if you are considering leaving your current job.There are many reasons that people give when they leave their jobs. The primary reason is that they want to change jobs. You should also be aware that if you are at a company that is undergoing a restructuring then there may be an increase in the price of the wages. These kinds of things are always considered as long as they are in line with inflation.A good reason for leaving a job is that you just do not feel like you fit into the lifestyle. You might be looking for something mor e challenging than what you have been offered. It could be that you are unhappy with your salary. If this is the case, you should have your HR representative to find out what your income is and ask you about the salary when they visit your office.Another reason for leaving is a loss of interest in the work that you are doing. Usually this is because you are not happy with the way that your employer is handling things. For example, if you are a nurse then the lack of recognition or respect for your efforts is usually the main reason. There are many other reasons for leaving a job. The fact is that the reasons are endless.The best way to deal with a reason for leaving a job is to talk to your employee relations department. They will help you in several ways. They will make sure that you are not leaving without any notice or without a good reason. They will also help you by finding out what your next steps are.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Change Your Habits to Slow Down Spending

Change Your Habits to Slow Down Spending The perpetual cycle of earning and paying repeats over and over for modern consumers, driving spending on everything from housing to entertainment.  Spending habits are dynamic, changing with time and circumstances. Irrespective of income level or wealth, spending has a tendency to chase earnings, until there is little left after completing each payment cycle. The fact that bills are paid on time and family members live comfortable lives are silver linings for those fortunate enough to keep pace with financial demands, but it is also natural to strive for more. Savings, investments, and contingency funds, for example, add to your overall financial health, so carving out reserves from your household budget helps build security. Unfortunately, these strides are hard to make, when living from paycheck to paycheck. Relatively speaking, some living expenses are set in stone. Your monthly rent or mortgage payment, for example, is established at least for the near-term, so you must account for this immovable piece of your household budget. Car payments, monthly phone contracts and student loan repayment represent additional fixed expenses you must account for each month. At the same time, a great deal of day to day spending is dedicated to discretionary purchases. While you may not be able to shave savings from your basic monthly costs of living, your elective buys may show room for savings, when put under scrutiny. If you are committed to holding on to more of your money, take a close look at your spending habits and make sensible adjustments. Minor Spending Habits Adjustment Yield big Savings Maintaining the lifestyle youve earned and grown accustomed to is a reasonable expectation, but when cash flow isnt meeting expectations; small adjustment to your spending habits will help you reach your financial goals. Turn off Your Television There is more than one money-saving reason to log fewer hours in front of the TV. For starters, cable services and other TV subscriptions cost money, so this recurring expense quickly drains household budgets. TVs and associated hardware add to the cost of viewing, so family entertainment centered on the television includes costly sound systems, receivers, cabling and adapters. The passive nature of television entertainment also makes it less appealing than other forms of entertainment. Stepping away more often makes your family more productive, which is like money in the bank. Evaluate Your Use of Credit Borrowing money is a natural aspect of personal money management. Loans are used to cover everything from major real estate purchases to daily expenses. Although they seem distant, credit cards and mortgages both represent consumer lending options sharing the distinction with dozens of other types of financing. With so many choices and uses for credit, it pays to evaluate household spending on loan payback, interest, fees and other related expenses. You may find cost-effective alternatives that make more sense than your current arrangements. Consolidating high-interest credit card debt into a loan with a better APR and payback terms, for example, can save on interest costs and lower your monthly payment obligation. Even without strong credit, alternatives like guarantor loans open doors to financing, using a cosigner to boost your credit score. The list found here compares competitive rates. Your home mortgage is another major credit commitment worth analyzing. If your interest rate doesnt reflect prevailing standards, it may be worthwhile to refinance to a better APR. Closing costs and other expenses should be taken into account before making commitments, ensuring youll quickly recover costs and start drawing savings from the new loan. Entertain at Home Shows, concerts and other attractions are well-earned rewards for your hard work, but the cost of outings adds-up quickly. Instead of arranging for expensive excursions with friends, try organizing a dinner party or game night at home. With others on-board, the hosting home revolves, so everyone in the group takes a turn as host or hostess. There are no tickets to buy and potluck-type gatherings can be selected to further spread costs. Even if the host provides a meal for everyone, spending equalizes as free-riders enjoy others hospitality at future gatherings. Learn to Cook Fine-dining and special meals out are mainstays of entertainment. The privilege of enjoying well-prepared food, without cooking or cleaning-up is also a strong lure, drawing families to restaurants out of convenience. Unfortunately, relying on carry-out, delivery and restaurant meals comes with a price tag. If you are serious about cutting household spending, change your dining habits to include more home cooking. It may be hard to find financial relief from fixed expenses, like mortgages and other ongoing payment obligations, but adjusting your spending habits leaves room for discretionary savings. To get your financial house in order, look closely at the types of credit you use and adopt low-budget habits including home-based meals and entertainment. Image Source     Image Source